How to get a better deal on your internet

Cord cutting tip: How to get a better deal on internet

A big factor in becoming a cord cutter is getting really solid, fast internet. This quick tip guide will help you get a better deal on internet.

The reality in North America is that the large telecom companies have been overcharging us for years. In an age where internet access is virtually an essential service, why are Canadians (and Americans for that matter) paying $100-$150 a month for internet?  It doesn’t make any sense and it doesn’t have to be that way. Luckily, there are some tips that I can give you right now to lessen those bills:

1. Switch to a smaller internet provider

In Canada most people get this internet service from one of the “Big Three.” Let’s just say that the default internet packages that they are offer are… less than stellar. If you’re not locked into a bundle with your cell phones and cable TV, consider ditching them completely for one of these other players. I have experience with TekSavvy which always provided great service. You may have to shell out to purchase a modem from many of these providers, but you re-coup the costs pretty quickly when your monthly bill is $45 a month instead of $100.

2.  The dreaded negotiation

Many people just accept the advertised price for internet services. What they don’t realize is that there really is a good amount of wiggle room even at the Big Three. For many, the buildings they live in (in Canada at least) only offer internet from one of Rogers or Bell. Without getting into the details of why this is, it’s clear that some people will have to continue on with these providers.

Here are a few steps to take if you are wanting to stay with one of the Big Three but reduce your bill:

  1. Do your homework. Check up on the prices that other, smaller companies are charging for internet. Make a bunch of notes and have those handy.
  2. Be confident. The number one reason for getting shot down when you ask to get a better deal is that the person on the other end knows that you aren’t confident.
  3. Be nice. Nobody likes dealing with someone that is sour and confrontational. When you’re on the phone with a customer service agent, be super nice and courteous. These are people on the other end of the phone and if they like you, they may be more willing to cut you a deal.
  4. Call back when necessary. Sometimes the first agent you talk to won’t be willing to budge at all. But all hope is not lost. Just call back again. Be persistent.
  5. Go directly to the account cancellation department. The number one way I found to find someone at my internet provider that (1) had the knowledge and (2) had the authority to offer a deal was to say you were cancelling service . I know a lot of people recommend that you speak to someone in “customer retention”, but I have never been successful with this. This goes back to #2. If you ask for customer retention, you are showing that you aren’t really serious about cutting your service and leaving. I have found that the account cancellation folks are way more likely to help you out.
  6. Be straight forward. With your trusty notes in hand from #1, say exactly what your issue is. Tell the customer service rep that they are simply too expensive and you have an offer from [insert company] for [offered deal] and you want to cancel your service.  Of course, you need to be reasonable. Give them a price that works for you, and is not impossible for them to offer.

Obviously one thing missing here is technicalities about what internet features you actually need to cut the cord (speed, bandwidth etc). I’ll get into that in a later blog post. But for now, start checking with competitors online and start making notes. Maybe you’ll use them soon.

Happy cord cutting